martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Deep Web Links - Navegador Tor

9:09 p.m.

Para navegar en .onion descarga el proyecto TOR

En el siguiente listado hay todo tipo de links tanto de proyectos y herramientas ilegales como legales. NO HAY PORNOGRAFIA DE NINGUN TIPO MUCHO MENOS INFANTIL.

El uso de estos links es responsabilidad del que lo usa, esto es solo de carácter informativo.

Listas de servicios ocultos y motores de búsqueda

http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/ – DuckDuckGo Search Engine
http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ – TORCH – Tor Search Engine
http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion/ – Onion URL Repository
http://2vlqpcqpjlhmd5r2.onion/ – Gateway to Freenet
http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion – The Hidden Wiki
http://idnxcnkne4qt76tg.onion/ – Tor Project: Anonymity Online
http://jh32yv5zgayyyts3.onion/ – Hidden Wiki .Onion Urls
http://wikitjerrta4qgz4.onion/ – Hidden Wiki – Tor Wiki
http://xdagknwjc7aaytzh.onion/ – Anonet Webproxy
http://3fyb44wdhnd2ghhl.onion/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page – All You’re Wiki – clone of the clean hidden wiki that went down with freedom hosting
http://3fyb44wdhnd2ghhl.onion/ – All You’re Base
http://j6im4v42ur6dpic3.onion/ – TorProject Archive
http://p3igkncehackjtib.onion/ – TorProject Media
http://cipollatnumrrahd.onion/ – Cipolla 2.0 (Italian)
http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ – TorDir – One of the oldest link lists on Tor

Marketplace Financial

http://torbrokerge7zxgq.onion/ – TorBroker – Trade securities anonymously with bitcoin, currently supports nearly 1000 stocks and ETFs
http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion/ – Bitcoin Fog – Bitcoin Laundry
http://2vx63nyktk4kxbxb.onion/ – AUTOMATED PAYPAL AND CREDIT CARD STORE
http://samsgdtwz6hvjyu4.onion – Safe, Anonymous, Fast, Easy escrow service.
http://easycoinsayj7p5l.onion/ – EasyCoin – Bitcoin Wallet with free Bitcoin Mixer
http://jzn5w5pac26sqef4.onion/ – WeBuyBitcoins – Sell your Bitcoins for Cash (USD), ACH, WU/MG, LR, PayPal and more
http://ow24et3tetp6tvmk.onion/ – OnionWallet – Anonymous Bitcoin Wallet and Bitcoin Laundry
http://qc7ilonwpv77qibm.onion/ – Western Union Exploit
http://y3fpieiezy2sin4a.onion/ – HQER – High Quality Euro Replicas
http://qkj4drtgvpm7eecl.onion/ – Counterfeit USD
http://lw4ipk5choakk5ze.onion/raw/4588/ – High Quality Tutorials

Mercado Servicios Comerciales

http://6w6vcynl6dumn67c.onion/ – Tor Market Board – Anonymous Marketplace Forums
http://5mvm7cg6bgklfjtp.onion/ – Discounted electronics goods
http://lw4ipk5choakk5ze.onion/raw/evbLewgkDSVkifzv8zAo/ – Unfriendlysolution – Legit hitman service
http://tuu66yxvrnn3of7l.onion/ – UK Guns and Ammo
http://ucx7bkbi2dtia36r.onion/ – Amazon Business
http://hbetshipq5yhhrsd.onion/ – Hidden BetCoin
http://cstoreav7i44h2lr.onion/ – CStore Carded Store
http://tfwdi3izigxllure.onion/ – Apples 4 Bitcoin
http://b4vqxw2j36wf2bqa.onion/ – Advantage Products
http://ybp4oezfhk24hxmb.onion/ – Hitman Network
http://mts7hqqqeogujc5e.onion/ – Marianic Technology Services
http://yth5q7zdmqlycbcz.onion/ – Old Man Fixer’s Fixing Services
http://sheep5u64fi457aw.onion/ – Sheep Marketplace
http://qizriixqwmeq4p5b.onion/ – Tor Web Developer
http://en35tuzqmn4lofbk.onion/ – US Fake ID Store
http://xfnwyig7olypdq5r.onion/ – USA Citizenship
http://uybu3melulmoljnd.onion/ – iLike Help Guy
http://dbmv53j45pcv534x.onion/ – Network Consulting and Software Development
http://lw4ipk5choakk5ze.onion/raw/4585/ – Quick Solution (Hitman)

Mercado de Drogas

http://rso4hutlefirefqp.onion/ – EuCanna – Medical Grade Cannabis Buds, Rick Simpson Oil, Ointments and Creams
http://newpdsuslmzqazvr.onion/ – Peoples Drug Store – The Darkweb’s Best Online Drug Supplier!
http://smoker32pk4qt3mx.onion/ – Smokeables – Finest Organic Cannabis shipped from the USA
http://fzqnrlcvhkgbdwx5.onion/ – CannabisUK – UK Wholesale Cannabis Supplier
http://kbvbh4kdddiha2ht.onion/ – DeDope – German Weed and Hash shop. (Bitcoin)
http://s5q54hfww56ov2xc.onion/ – BitPharma – EU vendor for cocaine, speed, mdma, psychedelics and subscriptions
http://ll6lardicrvrljvq.onion/ – Brainmagic – Best psychedelics on the darknet
http://25ffhnaechrbzwf3.onion/ – NLGrowers – Coffee Shop grade Cannabis from the netherlands
http://fec33nz6mhzd54zj.onion/index.php – Black Market Reloaded Forums
http://atlmlxbk2mbupwgr.onion/ – Atlantis Marketplace Forums
http://atlantisrky4es5q.onion/ – Atlantis Marketplace
http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/ – Silk Road Forums
http://k4btcoezc5tlxyaf.onion/ – Kamagra for BitCoins
http://5onwnspjvuk7cwvk.onion/ – Black Market Reloaded


http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/ – Image Uploader
http://lw4ipk5choakk5ze.onion/ – PasteThis – Tor based Pastebin
http://tklxxs3rdzdjppnl.onion/ – Liberty’s Hackers Hosting Service
http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/ – Matrix Trilogy


http://74ypjqjwf6oejmax.onion/ – Beneath VT – Exploring Virginia Tech’s Steam Tunnels and Beyond
http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/ – Deep Web Radio
http://edramalpl7oq5npk.onion/Main_Page – Encyclopedia Dramatica
http://ad52wtwp2goynr3a.onion/# – Dark Like My Soul
http://gdkez5whqhpthb4d.onion/ – Scientology Archive
http://newsiiwanaduqpre.onion/ – All the latest news for tor
http://5vppavyzjkfs45r4.onion/ – Michael Blizek
http://7hk64iz2vn2ewi7h.onion/ – Blog about Stories
http://7w2rtz7rgfwj5zuv.onion/ – An Open Letter to Revolutionaries
http://4fvfamdpoulu2nms.onion/ – Lucky Eddie’s Home
http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/searchlores/index.htm – Fravia’s Web Searching Lore
http://newsiiwanaduqpre.onion/ – OnionNews – Blog about the onionland

Foros y Oportunidades

http://jv7aqstbyhd5hqki.onion – HackBB – Hacking & cracking forum
http://xdagknwjc7aaytzh.onion/20/http/ – Read only access to the Freenet FMS forums via the Anonet Webproxy
http://hbjw7wjeoltskhol.onion – The BEST tor social network! File sharing, messaging and much more. Use a fake email to register.
http://t4is3dhdc2jd4yhw.onion/ – OnionForum 3.0 – New Onionforum for general talk, now with marketplace
http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/imageboard/ – TorChan – One of the oldest chans on Tor

Correo electrónico y mensajería

http://365u4txyqfy72nul.onion/ – Anonymous E-mail sevice. You can only communicate with other users currently using this service. So tell all your friends about it!
http://sms4tor3vcr2geip.onion/ – SMS4TOR – Self destructing messages
http://notestjxctkwbk6z.onion/ – NoteBin – Create encrypted self-destructing notes
http://torbox3uiot6wchz.onion/ – [TorBox] The Tor Mail Box
http://u6lyst27lmelm6oy.onion/index.php – Blue matrix chat NOT UP ALL THE TIME so chek often to see when it is
http://wi7qkxyrdpu5cmvr.onion/ – Autistici/Inventati


http://faerieuaahqvzgby.onion/ – Fairie Underground
http://tnysbtbxsf356hiy.onion/ – The New Yorker Strongbox
http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/ – Example rendezvous points page
http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion/ – The Intel Exchange Forum :: Information and discussion on various topics, ranging from Illegal Activities and Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and Hacking. Same people from SnapBBS on a fully secure, moderated and categorized forum.
http://opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion/weblog/index.html – A7B blog :: a blog dedicated to the restoration of a limited constitutional republic in the USA
http://assmkedzgorodn7o.onion/ – Anonymous, safe, secure, crowdfunded assassinations.
http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/comsense.html – Commo Sense by Thomas Paine
http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/ – Destination Unknown


http://2gxxzwnj52jutais.onion/ – The Nowhere Server (restored from backup after FH)
http://jntlesnev5o7zysa.onion/ – The Pirate Bay – Torrents
http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ – Tor Library – library of books and other media files
http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/ – The Pirate Bay – Torrents (official .onion)
http://wuvdsbmbwyjzsgei.onion/ – Music Downloads
http://lolicore75rq3tm5.onion/ – Lolicore and Speedcore Music
http://vt27twhtksyvjrky.onion/ – lol 20th Century Western Music Recordings and Scores
http://2ygbaoezjdmacnro.onion/ – Pony at Noisebridge
http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/ – Imperial Library of Trantor
http://c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion/ – Jotunbane’s Reading Club


http://germanyhusicaysx.onion – Deutschland im Deep Web – German forum
http://ffi5v46ttwgx3fby.onion/ – Das ist Deutschland hier 2.0 – German Board
http://runionv62ul3roit.onion/ – Russian Onion Union
http://5xki35vc4g5ts6gc.onion – GTF Greek Tor Forum . For greek speaking users
http://cipollatnumrrahd.onion/index.php – Cipolla 2.0 – Italian Community
http://runionv62ul3roit.onion – Russian community: market and anonymous talks about security, guns etc.
http://ptrackcp2noqu5fh.onion/ – PoliceTrack – Ne vous faites plus suivre par la police.
http://amberoadychffmyw.onion – Amberoad – russian anonymous market
http://r2d2akbw3jpt4zbf.onion – R2D2 – russian anonymous market
http://ramp2bombkadwvgz.onion – RAMP – biggest russian market (drugs only)
http://szmyt4v4vjbnxpg3.onion/ – Славянский
http://o2tu5zjxjlibrary.onion/ – Bibliotheca Alexandrina
http://ocbh4hoqs37unvv6.onion – French Deep Web

Click Here - Aqui!

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